These speeds vary by engine size, type of terrain and whether the bike is gas or electric. On average, a 99cc mini bike top speed is around 20-25 mph which should be more than enough power for your casual riding on flat surfaces. Mini bikes with a 196cc engine, like the Coleman CT200U, have more power and can reach speeds of 25 to 30 mph, which is good for off-road riding or experienced riders.
Electric mini bikes top out at 17 to 20 mph, with models like the Razor MX650 providing a faster yet still safe choice in urban environments or for shorter commutes. They also feature variable speed motors which accelerate more seamlessly than even the nicest gas powered lawn mowers, but possibly sacrifice some top-end performance compared to equivalent gas models.
The faster the engine displacement, the better. For example, the Tao Tao DB17 125cc has a top speed of over 40 mph. The other speeds which are in excess of 12.4mph are more appropriate for Adults who want to ride on Trails or open areas although they demand a higher level of experience in their operation for safe handling. Whilst mini bikes are generally not built for highways, they have absolutely no problem excelling off-road riding and at moderate speeds which can be thrilling as well as safe.
The legal speed limits imposed by a number of states and municipalities prescribe where mini bikes are allowed to ride and the speeds at which they can travel. For example, in most public areas, mini bikes are limited to 25 mph or below (especially in housing estates or town) Please note that these speed limits are not always legal for use on public bike trails, and may result in a fine or other reprehenstion.
At the 2020 Mini Moto SX, the fastest of the fast showed that a few extra tooth and some basic engine enhancements (carb and exhaust)along with removal of rev limiters. can turna stock CR500 into one “nasty” 50+. But at the same time we need to be cautious so proper handling and control is required when a bike turns out to be fast.
As studded rider Travis Pastrana said; “Speed is cool, but control is everything.” This is true even before you leave the realm of mini bikes and delve into the higher speed stuff, where a few extra mph can make huge difference in safety. If you are planning to push the speed barrier a bit, then you will need quality brakes, tires and suspension.
Speed is also dependent on the budget. Lower-priced entry-level models will do 8-10 mph, while the more powerful engines in higher-end models can easily exceed cruising speed.
At the end of the day, the top speed limits on adults mini bikes will come down to requirements for a rider and his experience as well as local laws. Most Recommended: mini bikes for adults